Open Canoe Festival 2012

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Open canoe Festival
(April 7/8/9 2012. Mirabel-et-Blacons, Drome river, France)

After only 3 years, the Open Canoe Festival is today the biggest Rendez-Vous dedicated to canoe lovers from Europe’s four corners.
The Festival proposes 3 days of technical and safety clinics, boat tests, free tasting of local specialties, parties and many others activities.
The 2012 schedule brings a lot of new workshops dedicated to many outdoor themes and activities : outdoor cooking, art of bivouacking, photography, canoe fishing, art of knots, fire camps, camping tips and tricks.

The knives from "Antonini SOS" line will be present at the event through the stand of our general agent Rescue Lab.


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Tel. +39 0427 71029
Fax +39 0427 72561
Via Cellina, 17 - 33085 MANIAGO (PN) - ITALY